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Rashes In Summer

Heat rash bothers the most during the scorching summer season. Due to sweating, the risk of fungal infection and bacterial infection on the back, neck and hands and feet also increases. Therefore, take special care of your skin during summer. People who sweat a lot have increased problems with skin rashes, redness and itching. There is a risk of different types of skin diseases in this season. Therefore, take care of cleanliness. If clothes become wet due to excessive sweating, change them immediately. Try to wear only soft cotton clothes in summer. Wear ventilated footwear and if any kind of infection occurs, immediately use anti-fungal powder, soap or body wash.

  1. Ways to avoid heat rashes in summer- If you want to avoid heat rashes, first of all take care of cleanliness. If you have heat rash then use anti fungus products. In case of skin allergy, small rashes appear on the neck, back and face. Due to sweating, the pores get clogged and prickly heat appears. For this you use aloe vera gel. You can also use powder or lacto calamine lotion.

  2. What to do if you get skin rashes in summer? Due to excessive sweating, stickiness increases and rashes start appearing on the skin. Especially people who have sensitive skin have this problem more. Wearing clothes wet with sweat increases the risk of a disease called cirrhosis in which rashes start appearing on the skin. Therefore, always wear dry cloth and use powder on the rash area. Keep your head and hair clean also.

  3. Fungal infection in summer- Fungus and bacteria start growing during summer. These days, the risk of fungal infections like ringworm, athlete’s foot and nail infection increases. To avoid this, wash your skin frequently and wear something only after it dries. In case of dry skin problem, keep the skin moisturized. However, the skin has to be protected from becoming too oily.

  4. Allergy to shoes and clothes- Sometimes people may also be allergic to clothes and shoes. People who wear synthetic clothes in hot summer may suffer from allergy due to rubbing on their body. There is a risk of fungal infection due to excessive sweating in the feet. Therefore, wear only cotton or hosiery clothes in summer. Wear open and airy shoes and slippers in summer. Sprinkle powder on your feet when you sweat.

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