
    State-Level Seminar Organized in Panchkula

    Punjab Newsline, Chandigarh, February 4 –

    Haryana Health Minister Kumari Arti Singh Rao said that considering the rising number of cancer cases in haryana, the state government is making dedicated efforts to Prevent Cancer. A Strong and Comprehensive Approach is Being Adopted to Ensure Better Treatment and Healthcare Facilites, even for Patients in Remote areas.

    Health minister made people aware about the disease on world cancer day. A State-Level Seminar was organized in Panchkula today on World Cancer Day.

    The health minister was mentioned the state’s initiative for Cancer Patients Including Free Travel in Roadways and Pension Benefits. In 2024-25, 9,408 passes have been issued to cancer patients for free travel, and 3,428 Patients are receiving a monthly Pension. Various Awareness Rallies, Seminars, and Health Camps were help across the state to educate people about cancer prevention, she added.

    The minister further pointed out lesss to reduce the risk of cancer such as, tobacco and alcohol consumption are amon the main causes of cancer, and avoiding them can help prevure.


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