Oats tasty recipe
If you want to reduce your increasing weight, then do morning breakfast which is tasty and healthy. Today, we have brought you a great recipe of oats. You all know how beneficial oats are for health. Obesity is also reduced rapidly by consuming it. It is very easy to make oats overnight recipe. This recipe is not only for those who want to reduce weight. Everyone from child to elderly can eat it. So, if you have not yet tried Overnight Oats Recipes for Weight Loss in Hindi, then let’s know how to make it?
Material for Oats Overnight: ingredients for overnight oats:
Half a cup oats, one cup milk, half cup Greek yogurt, 2 to 3 teaspoons honey, 2 to 3 strawberries, 2 to 3 blue berry, cashew almond drivers clipping
How to create oats overnight? How to make overnight oats in hindi
First step: To make Oats Overnite, we will take a big glass glass first. Now add half a cup of oats to this jar. After that add one cup of milk, half a cup of Greek yogurt, and mix well. Now for sweetness, add 2 to 3 teaspoons of honey to it and keep this jar in the fridge (take care of this, keep this jar in the fridge overnight.
Second step: Remove the jar from the fridge in the morning. Now, mix the oats well once again. The oats must have been very thick due to keeping it in the fridge. Now place 2 to 3 blue berries and 2 to 3 chopped strawberries above this jar. Put the clipping of cashew almonds on them. Your oats are ready to eat Overnai.
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