Sleep measures
To keep the body healthy, it is necessary to eat plenty of sleep as it is necessary to eat. We do not just sleep to complete sleep, but our body is repaired during sleep. However, many times people start having problems of sleeplessness. It happens many times that even after being lying on the bed, there is no sleep. Even after changing the move, there is no eye. When sleep is not complete at night at night, it also affects the next day. There is a decrease in fatigue, weakness and energy. Freshness does not come due to lack of sleep. If you also have a problem of not sleeping, then today we are telling you some effective sleep hacks. Which will make you sleep quickly in minutes.
There are many tricks that can make you sleepy within a minute or two. Yes, it may happen that in the beginning it takes some time, but after some time you will also sleep within 1-2 minutes. For this, there is also a military method sleep hack.
Military sleep hack
This sleeping hack was used for the pilot in the US Navy. In which you will have to give relaxes to the muscles of the face. Get down the shoulders and forget the stress. Apply both your hands to the armpit and relax the chest while exhaling deeply. Relax your feet, thighs and calves. Imagine a calm place in the mind and see it. Gradually you will feel sleepy. In this way you will be able to sleep throughout the night. Practice it daily.
Breath to sleep connection
Some tricks related to breath are also useful for sleeping. This tries to relax the muscles. For this, exhale by bringing both lips to the whistle pose. Now close your mouth and breathe through the nose. Count to 4 while breathing through the mouth and then stop the breath for 7 seconds. Complete the 8 cycles of 4-7 of breathing in this way. This will calm the mind and you will sleep well.
The easiest way to sleep
It is considered to be the easiest and best way to sleep, it is called PMR i.e. Progressive Muscle Relaxation. This reduces stress and gives relief to the muscles. For this, take your eyebrows up for 5 seconds and relax the muscles. This will cause mild stress on the forehead. Stop breathing 5 seconds and then relax. Relax your eye and neck muscles. In this way you will sleep within 1-2 minutes.
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