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Railway building

New Delhi: The promotion file of the 2015 batch of Signal Engineers of Indian Railway Service has disappeared from the confidential room of the Chairman of the Railway Board and the Chief Executive Officer, after which the authorities have issued a ‘search memo’. Sources gave this information on Sunday. According to the ‘Search Memo’ of 24 January, the confidential cell has informed that the “IRSSE) Junior Administrative Grade (JAG) panel’s file is not being detected”. Is.

Ministry issued search memorandum

Sources said that the file may contain documents related to the promotion of more than 200 JAG officers of the signal department. Officers and employees in the memo were asked to make this file intensively in the rooms of their respective branches/sections/officers. It said that information should be reported by 29 January 2025 regarding the findings of the search. According to sources, there is still no clue of the said file. Dilip Kumar, Executive Director (Information and Publicity) of Railway Board, did not answer any question on the matter.

Signal and telecom union officials shocked

On contact, the officials of the Signal and Telecom Union expressed surprise at the disappearance of such confidential documents from the CRB and CEO confidential cell. He said that this incident indicates poor management. Alok Chandra Prakash, general secretary of the Indian Railways S&T Maintenors Union, said, “If the files of senior officials disappear from the sensitive departments like this, imagine the careless behavior with other important documents. The career of these officers and the possibilities of promotion are fixed on that file and if it is not available, it will create a big problem for the concerned department.

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