ALL INDIA & Himachal kisan sabha said
Punjab Newsline, Shimla, February 1-
All India Kisan Sabha and Himachal kisan sabha said that, the union budget presented by the finance minister Nirmala Sitaraman is Anti-Poor and Tailor-Made for the Corporate Cronies and the Rich. Even as the contribution of aggression and allied sectors to the gdp has increased to 16 per cent the budget allocation for Agriculture and Allied Activities is Lower Than the Revised Estimates of 2024-25. 25.s of 2024-25 wases Rs. 376720.41crores the 2025-26 allocation is only Rs. 371687.35 Crores. When inflation is accounted for, this is a huge cut in allocation.
Sabha said farmers are cleared not the priority of the BJP-LED NDA government. There is nothing in the budget to ensure legalguarantee of msp, expand procurement or free farms from indebtedness. Even the parliamentary standing committee recommendation to ensure remunerative price has ben thrown to the winds.the increase share of Agriculture Sector in Empolyment Rising From Dicates a Reverse Migration from Urban Areas As There are no employment options. In an extremly