
Photo: File Peculiar tax

Interesting facts: Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman is going to present the General Budget of FY 2025-26 in Parliament on Saturday 1 February. It is expected that this time some relief can be given to taxpayers in the budget. In this season of the budget, today we are going to tell you about some absurd tax in different parts of the world. These are such tax imposed by governments, which you would never have even thought about. In today’s era, such tax cannot be imagined. Let’s know.

Tax on beard

This is 1535, when King Henry Ashtam of England imposed tax on the beard. After Henry Ashtam, his daughter Elizabeth I had taxed more than two weeks. The rule in this also was that if the officials who had recovered taxes were found missing at the house at the time of recovery, then the neighbor had to pay the tax. After this, King Peter The Great of Russia also imposed tax on the beard.

Tax on virgins

Raja Augustus of Rome imposed tax on virgins in the ninth century. Its purpose was to promote marriage. Also, tax was also levied on the married couple who did not have children. Italy King Benito Mussolini also taxed the virgins in the year 1924.

Tax on soul

In the year 1718, King Peter The Great of Russia imposed tax on the soul. Those who believed in something like the soul had to pay this tax. Those who did not believe in the soul, were taxed from not having faith in religion.

Tax on windows

King William III of England taxed the windows in 1696. In this, people had to pay tax according to the number of windows.

Tax on sex

In 1971, the Democratic State Legistator Bernard Gladstone proposed a tax of $ 2 on every sexual intercourse in the US Road Island. However, it was never implemented. After this, under the new tax rule in Germany in 2004, every prostitute had to pay 150 euros per month.

Tax on breast covering

In the 19th century, the king of Travancore, Kerala, allegedly taxed the breasts of the lower caste women. These women were not allowed to cover the breasts.

Tax on cows belching

You may not believe, but in New Zealand, farmers have to pay taxes on the belching of pet animals. This tax is charged in New Zealand to deal with greenhouse gases responsible for global warming. The most contributed to the problem of greenhouse gas in New Zealand is the belching of animals. Here farmers have to pay tax on the belching of cattle since the year 2025.

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