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Coriander paste on hair

There is a green coriander season in winter. Green coriander not only enhances the taste and color of food, but it is also used in many Ayurvedic medicines. Nutrients like protein, fat, carbohydrates, fiber, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper, vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin E are found inside the coriander. Coriander is a nutritious element rich in water and immediate energy. Many problems can be overcome by using coriander leaves on the hair. In Ayurveda, it is also considered useful for hair regram. Let us know what happens by applying coriander leaves on the hair?

Coriander paste can remove baldness

According to Ayurvedic doctor Upasana Vohra on Facebook, people whose hair is falling fast and there is a problem of baldness in the head, then you can use coriander paste and use it. You have to take green coriander leaves including root. That is, remove their root part. Now grind it finely in a clean mixer. If you want, you can make a paste by adding some water to the coriander. Now apply it on your hair where hair has fallen or baldness is visible. Leave the paste for about 30 minutes. After this wash the hair with water. If you want, you can also use a mild shampoo. This will start new hair.

Coriander and aloe vera to remove hair dryness

People who have a dryness problem in their hair can apply aloe vera gel in coriander paste on hair. If you want, you can also grind by adding fresh aloe vera along with coriander leaves. Otherwise, aloe vera gel found in the market can also be used. Applying this paste on hair for half an hour will remove hair dryness. You can also wash the hair with a mild shampoo later.

Protect hair from damage to coriander and lemon

If the quality of the hair is deteriorating and the hair is slowly getting damaged, then use lemon juice with coriander leaves on the hair. For this, grind the coriander leaves and then add lemon juice to it. Apply this paste on the hair and scalp with the help of a brush. Leave it like this for half an hour and then wash the hair with water. Coriander paste can remove the problem of hair damage, dry and hair loss.

(This article is for general information, must consult a doctor before adopting any remedy)

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