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Tata technology

There has been a big cyber attack on Tata Technologies. In view of this, the company decided to suspend all its IT service. However, now the company has completely restored it. Tata Technologies has confirmed that it is a ransomware attack, which has affected many IT assets of the company. The company, taking precaution, suspended all its IT service with immediate effect.

Restore service

According to Money Control report, Tata Technologies decided to suspend their IT services by taking precaution. However, now it is being completely restored. The company said in its statement that some of our IT services were suspended for some time, which has now been restored. At the same time, our client delivery service is completely functional and has not been affected by this attack.

Experts are investigating

Tata Technology said that we are currently investigating the matter. Experts are finding out the main reason for this. After this, a remidicular action will be taken if needed. We are committed to the highest standards of security and data security and are taking all the necessary steps to reduce any possible risk.

Tata Technologies offers Digital Transformation Services and Engineering Services to Globalmal Manufacturing Clients. The company is known as the country’s major engineering richrs and development (ER & D) Service Providers. Last year, in September 2024, there was a big arson incident at Tata Electronics (TEPL) in Hosur, Tamilanadu, whose forensic investigation is currently underway.

Cases of ransomware attack in India

Recently, a report was released by the Security Research firm Cyberpiece, stating that the cases of ransomware attacks in India have increased by 55%. Especially in 2024, many companies have been targeted, especially in 2024. In July 2024, a ransomware was also attacked at the C-Edge Tech company. The company provides service to 1,500 co-operative and regional banks in the country. The work of 300 small banks was affected due to this attack.

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