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Netflix gave great relief to its crores of customers.

Netflix is ​​a popular video streaming platform for OTT lovers around the world. Netflix continues to bring new updates in the platform from time to time to the convenience of its millions of users. Now a feature rollout has been done by Netflix which has made millions of OTT lovers fun. With the help of new features of Netflix, now you will be able to download the entire web series in just one click.

If you also use Netflix then there is good news for you. Now your work in Netflix is ​​going to be very easy. Actually, whenever a user used to download a web series, he had to download all parts separately. However, Netflix has now completely eliminated this problem. Users will now be able to download the entire web series in just one click at once.

These users get big relief

Netflix has given great relief to crores of customers with this new update. iPad and iPhone users will get great convenience from this. This feature was already available in Android smartphone. In 2021, the company rolled out this feature for Android users. Netflix gave information about this new feature through his blog post.

Netfilx told in its blog post that now iPhone and iPad users will be able to download the entire season of any web series at once. Earlier, users had to download different episodes to watch any show in offline mode, but now this problem is completely over. The company said that this method was going to waste users’ time. To download the web series, users will now see the download button with a share button. By clicking on this button, you can download all the episodes simultaneously.

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