
Punjab Newsline, Chandigarh, January 29 –

He Punjab Vigilance Bureau (VB) DURING Its Ongoing Crackdown Against Bribery, Has Arrested Assistant Sub Inspector (Asi) Prashotam Lal, Posted At Police Station Aur, Dest Shaheed Bhagat Singh Charges of Taking Bribe of Rs 15,000. He Had Been Absconding for the last 4 months, Evading His Arrest in this case.

Giving Information in this region, a speakesperson of the vb said that this case was registered after investigating the Complaint filed by the Complainant Dev Raj, Resident of Village Gudapad, POLICE Station Aur, POLICE Station Aur Agar against the said policeman on the Chief Minister’s Anti-corruption action line.

He said that the compliant had alleged that in return for helping in the case Registered against him and his sons at police station aur, the said asi had demanded a bribe of Rs. 30,000. The compliant had recorded the conversation with the said asi prashotam lal on different data regarding the transaction of Bribe Money in his mobile phone.

DURING Enquiry by the VB, The Allegations Made in this Complaint Regarding Demanding Rs 30000 Bribe and Taking a Bribe of Rs. 15,000 from the Complainant on Different Dates Were Proved.


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