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How did the thief enter Saif Ali Khan’s house?

Mohammad Shariful Islam Shahzad, accused of attack on Saif Ali Khan, is in police custody. The accused has been sent on remand till January 24. The police is continuously interrogating the accused Shehzad. Meanwhile, a big update has come out in this matter. Police have recovered the clothes worn at the time of the incident from Saif’s attacker Shariful Islam Shahzad. Apart from this, the police have also recovered the shirt from Shahzad, which he was seen wearing on the road during the incident.

Clothes sent for forensic examination

Police have also recovered mobile phones and shop-bought ear phones from Shahzad. Police have sent the clothes for forensic examination. The accused of attack on Saif Ali Khan had entered from the bathroom of a room in his house, whose window had a broken mesh, from there this person entered and after committing the crime, ran back from there.

The accused entered Kareena’s house through the bathroom window

The accused went up the stairs to the tenth floor and to go from the tenth to the 11th floor, he took the help of a pipe near the fire duck and while climbing up the pipe, he saw a broken lattice of the window due to which he went inside. All four men were scared due to the noise going on in the house. One of them was so scared that he hid somewhere in the house. After the incident, Saif had locked the door from outside. That is why the accused ran away from the bathroom window through which he had entered.

Accused Shahzad is a resident of Bangladesh

The police have not received any document from this accused. When the police took the numbers of his parents from his phone and called him in Bangladesh, they told that the accused was their own son. The accused has studied in Bangladesh till 12th class and used to participate in sports at school level.

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